Own Your Own Wellness is a 6 week program designed to guide you to your optimal level of wellness so that you can live a truly fulfilled life of awareness, intention and joy.
After being in the health and fitness industry for over a decade, I’ve designed the Own Your Wellness program because I was seeing some of the same recurring issues with my fitness clients. From a young age, fitness has always been a passion of mine. My dad made sure I understood the importance of being physically strong. And so I was. And still I am.
But something pretty major seemed to be missing because strong didn't equal happiness, fulfillment, confidence or satisfaction with my body. Being strong didn't make me love myself, didn't make me believe I was any more worthy than I would be if I couldn't do fifty pushups, didn't bring a sense of joy that made my soul smile. It's always been the same for me...when I'm working out I feel freaking great! Like the actual act of working out. I love it!! No question. But then when I'm done and it's just me being me again I don't feel that way anymore.
Feeling good and feeling like you look good are two very different things. There have been times I was happy with the way my body looked but going all the way back to age 13/14 I can remember for the most part really not liking my body. I always felt like I had a little pooch on my stomach, below my belly button to be precise. Or that my arms were too muscular, my shoulders too broad or that my nose was too big for that matter! The point is...I wasn't happy because there was something much bigger not being addressed.
I am beyond grateful for the opportunity I've had to help others achieve new levels of strength and to coach them on living a healthy lifestyle. I've spent ten years teaching my clients different forms of effective exercise, for their bodies and their goals, as well as help with nutrition and keeping them motivated. But even so, with all the progress they made, I knew there was a big component missing because that feeling of satisfaction and happiness just wasn't happening the way I felt it needed to needed to, for them or for myself. Don't get me wrong, for some clients it absolutely changed their lives and was the perfect amount of training and positivity for them. There have been others though who have been frustrated, felt defeated, trained hard for a couple months then just quit one day because they decided they just weren't the workout type - even though they were seeing and feeling progress! I couldn't rest or really grow as a teacher until I discovered what that was in order to be able to help more people and to do so on a bigger scale.
What I saw year after year of working with clients, mostly women and teen girls, is that the focus was always fitness, food and appearance. Look good. Have the perfect body. Don't get bulky. Workout. Train. Eat right. Food is fuel. Hydrate. Consistency. Do it again and again. Fad diets and workouts. Those are fun, right?! We've all seen and done them! Whatever is the newest, hottest and best workout is the answer! And if that's not working try the newest, hottest, best diet or cleanse for surely that'll get you the results you want! I did it too! Trust me, I have done this many times, especially when it came to the food part. It was super stressful!!!
It took me years of learning the hard way to realize is that "wellness" is SO much more than eating right, drinking enough water and getting daily exercise. It's so much more than what we see on the outside. I wish I could lie and tell you that's all it takes but I won't do that because nobody wants to start a relationship based on a lie! We gotta get deep here and I want you to trust me. From here on out we are in this together.
In order to live a higher quality life, it is critical that we maintain an optimal level of wellness. Everything we do and feel relates to our wellness. That's big! It doesn't mean simply having a great body and being free of disease. Or having boatloads of money and living a life that looks perfect to someone else. Or being a famous rockstar or actor and having millions of fans adore you. Those things are fantastic, (yes, sign me up!) but even people who posses them don't necessarily feel happy or satisfied. For all I know, maybe that does make them happy and it's everything they ever wanted, that's not for me to say. But unless there is balance and all aspects of wellness are being addressed, it's difficult to be totally fulfilled.
Wellness, by definition, is the active practice of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. It is a dynamic process of change and growth - and it requires constant attention and consciousness. There are many aspects to wellness and if we are giving all our focus to some while ignoring others we are throwing ourselves and our wellness off balance which can in turn make us feel unhappy, dissatisfied and/or even depressed. Once that happens, as some of us may already know from experience, it's a slippery slope down a big nasty hill and it's real hard work to get back to the top.
I created the Own your Own Wellness program because I'm confident I can give you the tools you need to live the life you want and deserve! I want to share with you everything I've lived and learned and use that experience to take you on your wellness journey, with a 360 approach. I want to do it all with you! Again, there are several aspects to wellness and the ones I'd like to guide you through are as follows:
Physical Wellness - general health; exercise, eating well, sleeping well and knowing when you need to bring in assistance - be it a trainer to get you moving or a doctor to treat the sore shoulder you've had for 6 months
Emotional Wellness - acknowledging, allowing and understanding your feelings, self care, learning & growing from experience, relationships
Social Wellness - how to comfortably and effectively navigate through various social roles, creating a support network of likeminded and trustworthy people
Environmental Wellness - living respectfully of our surroundings; taking action to protect our Earth, interaction with nature and your personal environment, mindful consumption
Spiritual Wellness - owning your core values and beliefs, discovering your meaning and purpose; using tools such as meditation, religion, relaxation, walk in the park with your dogs etc, identifying which resources help you best cope with everyday stress and conflict
I'm equally humbled and thrilled to be a part of your wellness journey and I know, with my entire being, that once you've achieved your optimal level of wellness you will be living a GREAT life and coming from a place of gratitude and abundance!
“Shawnte is truly one of the most amazing humans who has ever crossed my path... I don’t even want to say “trainer” since she is so much more to me than that... I found I looked so forward to my workouts to seeing her and spending time hanging with her. But besides that she is super knowledgable, dedicated, motivated, positive and REAL. I am so so lucky that I met her - not just as a trainer but as an extremely close friend. She is the BEST!”